Experience pure adventure from within your home; read Enid Blyton's famous and beloved Adventure Series

In her lifetime, Enid Blyton wrote so many books and plays, and created a thousand different characters. One of the reasons her books are such masterpieces is the fact that it seems real. You feel like being in their place, eat snacks with her characters, and sleep under the stars like many of them. You can't help loving the fight they give their troubles. You respect them for it, and admire their zeal, passion, and wit. Added is a dash of Blytonish humor, and you have a perfect recipe, not only for a book, but for an adventure. Reading her books feels like an adventure in and of itself. 
The Adventure series is comprised of eight books, depicting one popular destination or place. For example, the first book is the "Island" of Adventure, the 2nd one 'Castle' of Adventure, 3rd one "Valley" of adventure.

Our characters are four children and a parrot. This is a quirk for which Enid Blyton is well known. Almost all of her books show human relationship with nature, and as such, pets are almost always there books. Getting on with the description: The characters are Philip Mannering, Dinah Mannering, Jack Trent, Lucy-Ann Trent and Jack's parrot Kiki. Philip is an animal lover and has an uncanny ability to charm animals, while Jack loves birds and wants to be an ornithologist. The Trents are adopted by Mrs. Mannering, and as such, all four stay together. There is another important character I will not introduce, as doing so might give an unnecessary spoiler. The books revolve around topics like espionage, kidnapping and conspiracies. Kiki is also an important part of their team. They don't go out of the way in search of adventure, as trouble always seems to find them. 

1. The Island of Adventure : Download ePub

2. The Castle of Adventure : Download ePub

3. The Valley of Adventure : Download ePub 

4. The Sea of Adventure : Download ePub

5. The Mountain of Adventure : Download ePub

6. The Ship of Adventure : Download ePub

7. The Circus of Adventure : Download ePub

8. The River of Adventure : Download ePub

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