The Works Of J.R.R Tolkien (Including The Hobbit, The Lord Of The Rings, The Silmarilion and other writings)

There are few authors who could stake claim to changing human civilization drastically. John Ronald Reuel Tolkien can claim it without doubt.

I can wax lyrical for hours and hours about this man's genius. From constructing new worlds for his characters to live in, making up the most believable story of creation ever, giving us midget heroes in hobbits to love and adore, constructing artificial languages for his imaginary creatures to speak, giving them thousands of years of history, Tolkien will always be, in my opinion, one of history's greatest value educators. Full of values, enduring human values like love, compassion, mercy, fortitude, courage, forgiveness, bravery and an entire dictionary's worth of good adjectives. As a person who had seen, experienced and fought in a war, Tolkien took his own losses, horrors and fears and gave them to us in a way that we can understand. That we can fear.

Tolkien also paved the path for others to follow, almost "inventing" high fantasy, world-building and such VAST IMAGINARY worlds; his own he called "legendarium". Earthsea, Pern, Westeros were to follow, but Arda and Aman; and more famously, Middle Earth shall endure in the hearts of all those it has captivated. Tolkien is considered by many to be the "father" of high fantasy.

Though mostly known for the Hobbit and The Lord Of The Rings trilogy, Tolkien was a far more accomplished writer. Such was his imagination that he imagined more than one plot for many of his stories. After his death, his son Christopher Tolkien published a series of works conceived by his father but many unfinished. 
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The Hobbit                                                                  :Download

The Lord Of The Rings                                               :Download

The Fellowship Of The Ring                                      :Download

The Two Towers                                                         :Download

The Return Of The King                                            :Download

The Silmarillion                                                        :Download

Béren And Lúthien                                                    :Download

Unfinished Tales Of Numénor And Middle Earth     :Download

Tales From The Perilous Realm                                 :Download

The Book Of Lost Tales, Part 1                                 :Download

The Book Of Lost Tales, Part 2                                 :Download

The Children Of Hurin                                              :Download

The Hobbit (enhanced)                                               :Download

The Legend Of Sigurd And Gudrun                           :Download

The Letters Of J.R.R Tolkien                                     :Download

The Lord Of The Rings (illustrated)                          :Download

The Return Of The Shadow                                       :Download

The Silmarillion (illustrated)                                     :Download

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